A monomial is the simplest algebraic expression; it is formed by the product of numbers and letters or variables (with powers).
* Letter in the denominator are not allowed.
* Only natural numbers (1, 2, 3, ...) are allowed in the exponent .
aren't monomials |
It has two parts: the number part is called A coefficient, and the letters part is called literal part.
The degree of the variable is the index of its power and the degree of the monomial is the addition of the degrees of its variables.
Exercise: Decide if the following expressions are monomials or not, and if they are monomials find their coefficients, literal parts and degrees:
a) -3xy3z9
b) πa7b9c
c) 3x + y
d) 17x/y
e) 4a11b3c2d
Solutions: a) coefficient: -3, literal part: xy3z9; degree: 13; b) coeff.: π, lit. p.: a7b9c, deg: 17; c) it isn't monomial; d) it isn't monomial;e) coeff.: 4, lit. p.: a11b3c2d , deg: 17