4. Compound proportion

The proportion involving two or more quantities is called Compound proportionality. The quantities could be directly related or inversely related or both.

Rules for Solving Compound Proportions:
  1. Identify the magnitudes.
  2. Order the magnitudes and their data, placing the unknown at the end.
  3. Check if is direct or inverse proportionality.  (Identify the proportionality relationship between  the magnitude to the unknown datum and the others).
  4. Transform the data into a proportional fractions. In inverse proportions, operate with inverse fractions.
  5. Calculate the value of x.

There are two methods to calculate compound proportionality problems: the unitary method or compound 
rule of three.
  • Rule of three. NOTE: It is useful to write the magnitude with the x datum in the last position.
  • The unitary method.

Rule of three:

Ejemplo 1Si diez grifos tardan 12 horas en llenar un depósito de 15 metros cúbicos. ¿Cuánto tardarán ocho 
grifos en llenar un depósito de 7 metros cúbicos?

Magnitudes que interviene: 
  • Tiempo de llenado (horas)
  • Capacidad de los depósitos ( m^3)
  • Número de Grifos
El tiempo de llenado es DP a la capacidad.
El tiempo de llenado es IP al número de grifos.