3. Direct & inverse proportion


We say that there is a direct proportionality between two magnitudes if an increase on one magnitude causes a proportional increase on the other and a decrease on the first quantity causes a proportional decrease on the second. 

Example 1: 
With 8 gallons of petrol my car travels 248 miles. How far will it travel with 11 gallons of petrol?
+ gallons ==> + miles

Gallons                        Miles
    8      ---------------   248
   11     ---------------    x

It will travel 341 miles.


We say that there is an inverse proportionality between two magnitudes if an increase on one magnitude causes a proportional decrease on the other and a decrease on the first quantity causes a proportional increase on the second. 

In general:

For example, imagine that 18 men can do a job in 12 days. However, if you needed to finish the job in just 6 days (half), you would need twice men, so you multiply men by two and divide divide days by two. 

+ men   ==>  - days

MEN 18 36 9 3
DAYS 12 6 24 72

Example: The groceries in a home of 4 members are enough for 30 days. If a guest comes and stays with them, how many days will the groceries last? 
+ members    ==> groceries for days

There will be groceries for 24 days.