5.3. Rounding off decimals

Rounding means making a number simpler but keeping its value close to what it was.
The result is less accurate, but easier to use.

How to Round Numbers:
  • Decide which is the last digit to keep
    • Rounding to tenths means to leave one number after the decimal point.
    • Rounding to hundredths means to leave two numbers after the decimal point.
    • etc.
  •  Leave it the same if the next digit is less than 5 (this is called rounding down)
  • But increase it by 1 if the next digit is 5 or more (this is called rounding up)
  • Numbers on the left are zeros.

Example 1. Round to the Nearest Tenth 0.74
  • Identify the tenths digit: 0.74
  • Identify the next smallest place value (the digit to the right of the tenths place): 0.74
  • Is that digit greater than or equal to five? NO - we round DOWN
  • The tenths digit stays the same. Since the remaining digits are all after the decimal point, they drop.
0.74 rounded to the nearest tenth is 0.7

Example 2.  Round to the nearest hundredth 3.141
  • Identify the hundredth digit: 3.141
  • Identify the next smallest place value (the digit to the right of the hundredths place): 3.141
  • Is that digit greater than or equal to five? NO - we round DOWN
  • The hundredths digit stays the same. Remaining digits after the decimal point are dropped.
3.141 rounded to the nearest hundredth is 3.14

a. 3,1416 rounded to hundredths is.....
b. 3,1416 rounded to thousandths is...
c. 1,2735 rounded to tenths is ...