2. Algebraic expressions

An algebraic expresion, is a mixture of numbers, letters and symbols (+, -, ·, ...) that doesn't include the "=symbol".
      3x - 5                     (a+b)2

Look at these examples:
  • The triple of a number: 3n 
  • The triple of a number minus five units: 3n-5 
  • The following number: x+1 
  • The preceding number: x-1 
  • An even number: 2x An odd number: 2x+1
Exercise 1: Find an algebraic expression for these sentences:

a) The double of a number plus five.
b) The double of a number, plus five.
c) Half a number minus eight.
d) The square of the double of a number.
Solutions: a) 2·(x + 5); b) 2x + 5; c) (x-8)/2; d) (2x)2

To substitute in an expression is to put numbers instead of letters, so, we obtain the numerical value of the expression.
The value of 3x+5  if x = 3:      3 · 3 + 5 = 14