Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions, traducida al español como Planilandia: Una novela de muchas dimensiones,1 es una novela satírica de 1884 escrita por Edwin Abbott Abbott bajo el seudónimo "A Square". Es una obra especialmente popular entre estudiantes de matemáticas, física y ciencias de la computación, ya que su fácil lectura resulta útil para estudiar el concepto de múltiples dimensiones. Como pieza literaria, Planilandia es un ejemplo de sátira de la jerarquía social imperante en la época victoriana.
El libro habla acerca de un mundo bidimensional llamado Planilandia. WIKIPEDIA
En 2007 se rodó un película titulada Flatland y un cortometraje titulado Flatland: The Movie, ambos están basados en la novela.
"FLATLAND: THE MOVIE" is an award-winning animated film inspired by Edwin A. Abbott's classic 1884 novel, “Flatland.” Set in a world of only two dimensions inhabited by sentient geometric shapes, the story follows Arthur Square (Martin Sheen) and his ever-curious granddaughter Hex (Kristen Bell). When a mysterious visitor arrives from Spaceland (Michael York), Arthur and Hex must come to terms with the truth of the third dimension, risking dire consequences from the evil Circles that have ruled Flatland for a thousand years. Middle school, high school and college-level math teachers around the world have integrated FLATLAND: THE MOVIE screenings into their courses. Worksheets and teaching notes prepared by Brown University Professor Thomas Banchoff (a renowned Flatland scholar) and Hollywood Math and Science Film Consulting help students at various levels build on their understanding of geometry and dimensions.
The Inhabitants of SPACE IN GENERAL
This Work is Dedicated
By a Humble Native of Flatland
In the Hope that
Even as he was Initiated into the Mysteries
Of THREE Dimensions
Having been previously conversant
So the Citizens of that Celestial Region
May aspire yet higher and higher
To the Secrets of FOUR FIVE OR EVEN SIX Dimensions
Thereby contributing
To the Enlargement of THE IMAGINATION
And the possible Development
Of that most rare and excellent Gift of MODESTY
Among the Superior Races